You had questions. Your Academy had answers.

Your Academy Member Resource Center (MRC) receives thousands of phone calls, emails, and online chats throughout the year. But it’s nothing we can’t handle!
Here are some highlights of the MRC’s member-centric activities in 2023:
Total calls: 11,413
Voicemails handled: 512
Chats received: 1,656
Emails: 14,283
Number of orders: 3,889
Total transactions: 31,743
Top 5 views in the AAD Self-Help FAQs on
How do I apply for Life Membership? 300 views
How do I become a member of the Academy? 234 views
How do I reinstate my membership as a Fellow or Associate member? 100 views
How do I get a receipt for dues, orders, etc.? 100 views
How do I change my last name on file? 86 views
Top 5 topics of inquiry that the MRC received for 2023:
Orders = 3,129
Dues = 2,277
Contact information = 2,155
Website help = 916
Membership application = 755