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Image for DWII of periocular hypopigmentation of the elderly
Periocular hypopigmentation of the elderly

POHE is a diagnosis of exclusion after vitiligo and post-inflammatory or medication-induced hypopigmentation are ruled out. POHE is likely due to a combination of actinic damage and intrinsic aging in those with lighter complexions.

Image for DWII on Cronkhite-Canada syndrome
Advances in therapy for the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome

Early recognition and treatment of the Cronkhite-Canada syndrome may significantly improve the prognosis of this potentially lethal disease.

Card image for DWII of AESOP syndrome
AESOP: The ants and the grasshopper

Dermatologists should consider the diagnosis of AESOP (Adenopathy and Extensive Skin patch Overlying a Plasmactyoma). A significant number of cases are associated with polyneuropathy and/or POEMS syndrome.

Image for DWII of eosinophilic fasciitis
Taking a hard look at eosinophilic fasciitis

Eosinophilic fasciitis (Shulman syndrome) remains a fascinating disorder half a century after its recognition.

Card image for DWII of pityriasis rotunda
Rounds on pityriasis rotunda

Pityriasis rotunda is a striking dermatosis with many reported associations, most notably as a paraneoplastic process in some cases.

Image for DWII of a pyogenic granuloma before treatment with salt
Treatment of pyogenic granulomas with salt

There are many modalities to treat pyogenic granulomas. If removal of the lesion is impractical, and salt is as effective as preliminary studies suggest, it will be worth its weight in salt, indeed.

The mission of DW Insights & Inquiries

To improve the practice of dermatology, while being stimulating, practical, thought-provoking, and enlightening by offering critical perspectives on current dermatologic literature meant to be used in the clinic today and in the future.

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