Academy CME opportunities abound

The alopecia frontier is open!
In our last issue, we let you know that the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) published a new CME supplement, “Alopecia: A New Frontier,” that can help you differentiate between the various types of alopecia and identify correct treatments and best options so you can feel confident that you’re providing patients with the best information and optimal care for a potentially devastating condition.
It’s proved to be a very popular piece of content for members:
513 people have completed the course and claimed credit
363 are currently working on it.
Credit can only be claimed once per person, and successful completion of the course is worth 8 CME credits. Check out the alopecia supplement. Already read it and want to claim the CME? Visit and search “A New Frontier.”
Guideline-based CME courses offer increased awareness and knowledge
We continue to publish evidence-based guidelines on a variety of topics in JAAD to help members ensure they’re providing the best and most up-to-date care for their patients.
Recognizing the importance of these guidelines and as a way to ensure as many members as possible are familiar with them, the Academy has created a series of continuing medical education courses — free for members in the AAD Learning Center — to give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with guidelines at your own pace. They’re all free and offer between 0.5 and 1.0 CME credits.
“These free courses for AAD members are high-yield summaries, led by experts, of the most recent AAD guidance.”
─ Peggy A. Wu, MD, MPH, FAAD, member of the Academy Ad Hoc Task Force on Reimagining Clinical Guidance
The latest list of guidelines includes:
Guidelines of Care for the Management of Actinic Keratosis: 858 have completed it and 1,021 are currently working on it.
Psoriasis Topicals and Non-Biologics Care Improvement Strategies: Guidelines: 315 have completed it and 344 are currently working on it.
Guidelines of Care for the Management and Treatment of Pediatric Psoriasis: 289 have completed it and 540 are currently working on it.
Psoriasis Phototherapy Guidelines and Care Improvement Strategies: 67 have completed it and 77 are currently working on it.
Comorbidities Associated with Atopic Dermatitis in Adult Patients: AAD Guidelines and Care Improvement Strategies: 248 have completed it and 227 are currently working on it.
Implementing Quality Practices to Avoid Medication Error for Methotrexate Use: 226 have completed it and 253 are currently working on it.
Check them out at
CME, enumerated! Our 2023 highlights
Did you know that you can access more than 60 hours of convenient CME simply by being a member of the Academy? You also have access to more than 110 hours of CME available at a lower rate as a membership benefit. Thousands have been getting CME from the AAD:
Total number of Category 1 credits claimed in 2023 (live and digital): 195,312
Average number of digital users per month: 4,362 claimed an average of 12,159 Category 1 credits per month (Digital only; does not include live meetings)
Question of the Week unique users: 7,274
JAAD quiz unique users: 4,171
Dialogues in Dermatology unique users (claimed credit, not subscribers): 533
Dialogues in Dermatology: 1,270 total subscribers
Visit and see all the CME opportunities your Academy has to offer!