We give you practical tools, from prior authorization letters to tips on using modifier 59

Your AADA Practice Management Center has tools to assist physicians, medical staff, and patients.
Prior authorization help
The AADA Practice Management Center helps you effectively navigate the prior authorization process, and has been expanding its tools. Here are some of what we are now offering:
Prior authorization appeal tool: This online letter generator creates appeal letters for more than 50 dermatologic drugs and diseases. The letters are easy to download and print.
Prior authorization guidelines for staff: This printable set of guidelines offers practical tips on how to complete prior authorizations.
Prior authorization workflow: This prior authorization workflow walks you through a pathway that includes the clinical staff, administrative staff, insurance provider, and patient.
Coding guidance
If there is no cure for the common code, we do have remedies. The following encapsulates some of our efforts in the last year to keep you informed.
Quick coding guides
Our series of downloadable, quick coding tip sheets address common coding scenarios as well as less common examples. We updated the list in the past year to include user-friendly coding guides on ICD-10, E/M coding, CPT tips, and modifiers.
DermWorld Coding Consult: Lessons learned and more
DermWorld continues to address your coding concerns in its DermWorld Coding Consult articles. We recently published an important year-end summary of what we learned about coding in the past year: Coding lessons learned in 2022 — update on all the common coding FAQs.
You can also read these other recent articles:
E/M coding refresher: Education on top errors with E/M coding
Beware of poor coding habits — Modifier 59 is not the secret ingredient
Coding Resource Center
We also offer these additional resources year-round in the Academy’s Coding Resource Center:
Surgical and procedure codes
Access a guide for biopsies and other surgical and procedure codes. Download a handy reference guide or use the Academy’s online coding tool.Modifiers
Learn when to append a modifier to a procedure or E/M code. Whether it is modifier 25, 59, or other modifiers common to dermatology, these resources will prove indispensable.ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes
Find practical tips on how to use ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes in your practice. ICD-10-CM coding need not be hopelessly complex when you drill down on the codes dermatologists use most frequently.Audits
Learn about common reasons for audits, and how to handle a RAC audit. If you are audited, meet requirements to hold on to your reimbursements.
Check out these resources and more at www.aad.org/coding.