Walk-in clinic provides residents with timely care
A dermatology clinic’s innovative walk-in appointment schedule allows a patient to receive an eczema diagnosis and timely care.
Kate's story
When I came back, my skin was improving somewhat, but it wasn’t where it should be, so they did a skin biopsy and diagnosed me with eczema. We continued treatment, and today, my rash is completely gone. I had a great experience with the whole team at EVMS Dermatology under Dr. Abby Van Voorhees.
If the clinic hadn’t offered walk-in appointments, I might have gone to a convenient care clinic, where I don’t think I would have gotten the same level of care and expertise. I used to go back to South Carolina to visit my dermatologist, but EVMS Dermatology scheduled me for an annual appointment, and now I’m an established patient.
The dermatologist's perspective
"We've started a Rapid Access Clinic over the past year, which has been very well received. Every day from 11 to noon, we offer walk-in access so that any patient can be seen by our multidisciplinary care team for a single issue of immediate concern. We’re pleased to offer patients like Kate timely care for their skin conditions, and we’re grateful that she’s chosen to become a regular patient after her experience with our team."
– Abby Van Voorhees, MD
Eastern Virginia Medical School Dermatology
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