Your Dermatologist Knows sees more strong performance on social media

Since the Your Dermatologist Knows consumer positioning strategy launch in October of 2022, the Academy’s social media accounts have seen staggering levels of engagement, broadcasting to millions that only a board-certified dermatologist has the experience and expertise necessary to treat skin, hair, and nails.
The strategy involves a robust social media presence that includes Academy-employed Social Media Correspondents, partnerships with AAD member social media influencers as Your Dermatologist Knows ambassadors, and paid placements of Your Dermatologist Knows content.
To date, the Academy’s 2024 social media content has generated 56.6 million impressions and 7.9 million engagements. Academy social media channels have featured 21 different dermatologists talking about trending topics, such as counterfeit Botox and vampire facials, and have highlighted awareness months, such as Rosacea Awareness Month and Acne Awareness Month.
Some of the top-performing content of the year includes:
CDC report on patients contracting HIV from vampire facials – Dr. Moghaddam
Your dermatologist knows how to help with skin, hair, and nail concerns during pregnancy
The aim of all Your Dermatologist Knows content is simple: To demonstrate that dermatologists are the experts and families should seek care from a board-certified dermatologist for skin, hair, and nail conditions.