Your Dermatologist Knows: Media wins

The media remains hungry for stories about skin health and to advance our Your Dermatologist Knows goals, the Academy works together with members of the Media Expert Team to pitch stories to traditional media and online outlets to ensure the message that board-certified dermatologists are the experts in skin, hair, and nail conditions is spread far and wide.
One of the largest successes we saw this summer was the widespread media coverage of a recent Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology study which found that men — particularly men with skin of color — are more likely to die from melanoma. The study highlighted how men need to be vigilant and have anything that looks suspicious on their skin examined, and that Your Dermatologist Knows how to detect and treat melanoma.
The AAD’s media relations team worked with reporters to secure high-profile articles by Time Magazine, the Washington Post, WebMD,, and NBC News. The CBS News coverage of the story featured Detroit Lions defensive lineman Josh Paschall, and a video is available online. In total, this story generated over 70 media placements and more than 683 million views.
Some of the summer’s other successes included a USA Today story regarding a TikTok trend known as “red light therapy,” featuring Anthony Rossi, MD, FAAD, and Danilo C. Del Campo, MD, FAAD, that generated over 14.3 million impressions, and a New York Times story about when to get rid of expired skin care products that features Bruce Brod, MD, MHCI, FAAD, and Anne Chapas, MD, FAAD, that has generated over 1.8 million views. All of the aforementioned doctors are members of the AAD’s Media Expert Team.
A summary of Your Dermatologist Knows-related high-profile media wins is continually updated on the AAD website.