Educating the public — skin healthy: educating your patients in waiting rooms and on the go

The AAD’s skin healthy, a print and digital magazine featuring your expert insight, made its debut in 2020. Last year, the Academy disseminated over 950,000 issues to dermatology offices across the country, which helped educate patients about common skin conditions that dermatologists treat and offered your recommendations for protecting and keeping patients’ skin healthy year-round.
The summer and winter 2021 issues featured 62 AAD members and highlighted your expertise on diseases like skin cancer, eczema, melasma, and acne-prone skin. An “Ask the Expert” piece on treating scars and an article titled “What you need to know about hair loss and hair restoration” showcased you as the experts.
skin healthy for patients on their phones
Your patients can also access your expert insights in skin healthy long after their appointment. With just a quick scan of a QR code, patients can view a selection of skin healthy articles on
Our public social media followers engaged favorably with skin healthy articles featured on social media. In fact, we tracked more than 94,000 impressions on Instagram, 51,000 impressions on Facebook, and 25,000 impressions on Twitter.
Here is the content that is trending big on social media:
Winter skin
Hand care tips
Workout tips