Frontiers in Research, Science, and Technology (FiRST)
You are invited to submit abstract presentations for the 2021 Frontiers in Research, Science, and Technology (FiRST).
Presentations will highlight the latest ground-breaking observations in dermatology and will be thematically organized into five categories:
Clinical trials
Clinical studies including those involving pediatric populations
Procedural studies including Mohs/laser/cosmetic dermatology
Cutaneous oncology, basic science and dermatopathology
Researchers are invited to submit abstracts describing their most recent results and the top scoring studies will be invited to discuss their findings in a brief oral presentation.
Read guidelines and procedures for submitting an abstract presentation for FiRST.
Submissions are now closed.
Other important abstract program information
Read guidelines for each program prior to submission.
Abstracts must be submitted on the published deadline date in order to be eligible. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Changes cannot be made to an abstract once it has been submitted. For instance, no change in authors, title, category, content, or spelling will be allowed. If a change is required for scientific or academic accuracy, the poster submission should be withdrawn.
Abstract content will be embargoed until the first day of the AAD Summer Meeting, at which time the appropriate abstract information will be posted online for each program.
If your submission is accepted, in order to present at the meeting, you will be required to register for the AAD Summer Meeting and pay the appropriate registration fees. Non-member physicians who wish to participate will be required to register for the AAD Summer Meeting as a non-member at the non-member fee.
Timelines are subject to change. Visit this page frequently for any updates.
Questions regarding your submission should be emailed to