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International Society Travel Grant

The AAD offers grants for travel to international dermatology meetings. The grants are open to dermatology residents, fellows, or young dermatologists who are within five years of completing residency from the United States and Canada. The grants are for travel to dermatology meetings in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. The program offers participants an opportunity to meet foreign colleagues and establish long-lasting professional relationships.


  • Maximum of two applicants per residency program.

  • One applicant per residency program per international meeting.

  • One year of training or more must be completed by the time of the meeting.

  • Individuals may receive an International Society Travel Grant only once during their careers.

  • Residency program directors must provide applicants with a signed letter of recommendation (PDF preferred format), to be attached to online applications, which indicates approval of time off for society meetings. 

  • Prior to applying, all potential scheduling conflicts must be resolved to avoid taking the opportunity away from other applicants.

  • No deferrals permitted. Eligible applicants may reapply the following year if unable to accept scholarship.

Applications for the AAD International Society Annual Meeting Travel Grant are now open.

Apply for a 2025 travel grant

Fill out the online application for a grant to travel to an international dermatology meeting.

Apply now


Through mutual arrangements with several international dermatological societies, a number of travel grants are available for US and Canadian residents, fellows, or young dermatologists (within five years of completing residency) to attend these societies' meetings. Each scholarship program has different requirements and provisions. 

Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD)

  • Sept. 4 – 6, 2025, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Two scholarships available

  • Complimentary registration and accommodations up to four days

  • Must be fluent in Spanish or Portuguese

British Association of Dermatologists (BAD)

  • July 1 – 3, 2025, in Glasgow, Scotland

  • Four scholarships available

  • Complimentary registration, hotel accommodations for four nights, an invitation to attend the trainee evening event, and one ticket to the BADfest welcome reception

Chilean Society of Dermatology (SOCHIDERM)

  • November 2025, Location TBA

  • Four scholarships available

  • Complimentary registration, stipend of $1,000, participation in all courses, and participation in all social activities

Dermatological Society of Singapore (DSS)

  • July 2025, Location TBA

  • Two scholarships available

  • Complimentary registration and $500 stipend

Ecuadorian Society of Dermatology (ESD)

  • Aug. 7 – 10, 2025, in Quito, Ecuador

  • Two scholarships available

  • Complimentary registration and hotel accommodation during the days of the meeting

  • Understanding of Spanish helpful, but not required

European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV)

  • Sept. 17 – 20, 2025, in Paris, France

  • Three scholarships available

  • Complimentary registration, accommodations, and $750 via bank transfer

French Society of Dermatology (FSD)

  • Dec. 2 – 6, 2025, in Paris, France

  • One scholarship available

  • Complimentary registration and stipend of 1500 euros

  • French fluency required

Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists, and Leprologists (IADVL)

  • Meeting information to be announced

Irish Association of Dermatologists (IAD)

  • May 8 – 10, 2025, in Belfast, Northern Ireland

  • Two scholarships available

  • Complimentary registration, accommodations (two nights), and invitation to attend Gala dinner

Israeli Society of Dermatology and Venereology (ISDV)

  • April 23 – 26, 2025, in Tel Aviv, Israel

  • Meeting information is subject to change

  • Two scholarships available

  • Complimentary registration, ticket to social event, and stipend of $1,000

Italian Society of Dermatology (SIDeMAST)

  • June 18 – 21, 2025, in Rome, Italy

  • One scholarship available

  • Complimentary registration and stipend of 1,000 euros delivered post meeting

  • Italian fluency required

  • Meeting will be held in tandem with the 14th International Congress of Dermatology

Mexican Academy of Dermatology

  • Meeting information to be announced

Scottish Dermatological Society (SDS)

  • May 29 – 30, 2025, in Glasgow, Scotland

  • Two scholarships available

  • Complimentary registration, stipend towards accommodations up to 500 pounds, and stipend of 750 pounds

For more information, contact Sami Patel at sapatel@aad.org.
