We know that most of our members and the public come to AAD.ORG to solve a problem. They want to find information on skin conditions, or register for a meeting, or get practice management support.
That’s why we speak like an experienced and compassionate partner. Using a friendly, conversational voice, we want to educate people without patronizing or confusing them. Every word we say informs and encourages. We impart our expertise with clarity, empathy, and authority. All of this means that when we write copy:
We are plainspoken. We understand the world our users are living in: one muddled by hyperbolic language, upsells, and over-promises. We strip all that away and value clarity above all. Because our users are looking for information to quickly address their needs, we avoid distractions.
We are genuine. We relate to our users' challenges and passions and speak to them in a familiar, warm, and accessible way.
We are translators. Only experts can make what’s difficult look easy, and it’s our job to demystify issues and help our users solve their problems. We are not stuffy. Many users come to AAD.ORG looking for information on serious topics. Others for less serious reasons. We explain all issues in a friendly, approachable style that lets the reader know we're are on their side.
We are not always who our users want to hear from. Both AAD members and the public want to hear on certain topics from dermatologists themselves. Members can relate to their colleagues' experiences. The public wants advice directly from a physician. Figure out when it's best to use a physician-member's voice to deliver content.
Style tips Here are a few key elements of writing AAD.ORG's voice.
Active voice. Use active voice. Avoid passive voice.
Avoid technical and bureaucratic jargon. Write in plain English.
Write positively. Use positive language rather than negative language.